Friday, April 14, 2017


There is a beautiful and powerful story by Shel Silverstein, The Giving Tree.

Once there was a tree…and she loved a little boy.

And so begins the story of a tree being happy because she is able to make the boy happy. At first the boy desires nothing but to climb on her branches, eat her apples, and lie in the shade.

But as the boy grows, so do his desires. Because of the tree’s love, she gives her apples for him to sell for money to have more fun; her branches that he might build a house for a wife and family; and her trunk so he could build a boat and sail away from the boredom of life.

And then one day, the prodigal returns to the tree that loves him. By now, she had given him everything; all that remains of her is an old stump. The boy, now an old man, needs only a quiet place to sit and rest. And the giving tree gives once more.

Good Friday - what is it that we commemorate today? Of course, we remember and mourn Jesus' painful and humiliating death. In his suffering and death God seems to be reduced to silence. But today we especially remember and give thanks for the life-giving love on the cross.

We raise our eyes to Jesus who gave his all...who died to give us someone whose nature was and is to give life! 

His death is the victory of love; it is the victory of life over death, for we see Jesus’ death in the light of his resurrection and the beginning of our risen life. Death is defeated! Death has no power over us!

In Jesus’ cry on the cross we hear the cry of all those who are, or have been, crucified. But also their hopes that they and we with Jesus will overcome evil.

Why did the Pharisees and Romans kill Jesus? Why did the mob cry out, Crucify him! Crucify him! Because they failed to see the holy presence of God in Jesus.

Why do we kill each other…with words if not guns? Because we fail to see the holy presence of God in each other.

What will it take for us to see, to be more aware, of God’s presence in each of us?

Perhaps something as simple as looking at the cross…the one we venerate today…any cross…any crucifix…perhaps the one we wear.

Each time we see the cross, let us remember not only his great love to give his life…his all…for give life to us, but that God is here with us…within each of us

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