Saturday, December 31, 2016


Welcome to the home of John and Lisa, five year-old Mary, and  baby Joey.
After morning Mass, Lisa is busy with Joey. John begins to plan his day. Ahh, New Year's Day. No work. Nothing to do. A day all to myself.
He prepares to be a couch potato, with lots of munchies at his side. Nothing but sitting back and football all day! He puts his I-Phone on silence mode, goes to put on his Alma Mater sweatshirt and begins humming its fight song.
Mary watches with silent wonder. Finally she can't contain herself. Daddy, why are you so happy?  
Well, it's New Year's Day
What's so special about New Year's Day?
The father starts to answer, but feeling a bit guilty about his planned day of isolated self-indulgence, he pauses and ponders his response. He wants to create a positive image for his precious little girl.
He begins by saying, Well, today is the beginning of a new year. We celebrate the chance to start all over again, to do what will make us happy this year. Just like when you got up this morning and started thinking about what games you would like to play today to make you happy. 
So what games are you going to play today, Daddy?
Honey, I'm not going to play games, but I'm going to watch lots of games on TV.
Is that all? Mary asks.
Well, no. Hmmn, He tries to buy more time. Today is also a feast day, the Feast of Mary, the mother of baby Jesus. She's the one you were named after.
What does it mean to have a feast day?
Well, it's something very special, to honor Mary. You see she's not only the mother of Jesus, she's the Mother of God.
He notices the look of confusion on little Mary's face. How does he explain that Mary was declared the Mother of God by the Church 1,600 years ago, because Jesus was both human and divine, and has been paid homage ever since?
So he says. You know Jesus is the Prince of Peace. So Mary, as his mother, is called the Queen of Peace. Today, we celebrate both of them by making a commitment, er a promise, to be a person of peace...all year long.
Will watching football help you to be a person of peace?
As he reflects on the violent nature of the sport, the win at any price (even cheating, as long as you don't get caught), the screaming and yelling at referees for perhaps errant calls, or crucial calls that go against your team, etc., he decides that there may be a better way to spend this day.
He asks Mary, Shall we play a game to help us be people of peace?
Mary is excited that her dad wants to play a game with her, and about peace.
The father says, Let's see what we can find on the computer about peace. Look here's what other people, very important people, have said about peace. WOW there are so many quotes. Which one do you like?
Mary says, I like this one from Mother Theresa, Peace begins with a smile.
That's a good one. Here's one by the great chief Black Elk, The first step of peace, which is the most important, is to remember that the Great Spirit dwells within each of us.
What does that mean Daddy?  
Well it means that Jesus lives inside each of us, and that we're all sisters and brothers. So we should love each other, just like you love Joey.
Here's another I like by John Muir, says Dad. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
I like going camping with you and Mommy, says little Mary. Me, too.
Mary says, Here's one from President Obama. True peace is not just freedom from fear but freedom from want.
And here's one by another great leader, Mahatma Gandhi, says John. It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.
Mary finds another by Mother Theresa. All works of love are works of peace.
Mary, What do you think we can do to be people of peace?
Well we can love each other...and listen to each other...and do nice things for each other. Maybe we can take some of my toys to kids who don't have any.
And I can share some of the extra clothes I have.
As they begin to fill some large bags with their things, Dad is whistling the tune, Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me...
Little Mary is smiling and happy.  No doubt the other Mary is too.

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