Wednesday, September 21, 2016


It’s hard to believe that it’s been six years since my last blog. I am delighted to begin it again to announce a new ministry, or perhaps (having just celebrated Labor Day) it’s really a continuation of my labor of love - serving others…and being fulfilled in the process. The added wrinkle here is creating a vehicle (organization and website) - GIVE-A-HAND MINISTRY.ORG - to be a bridge for others to find the help they need.

My initial thought was to simply make my availability known to those who might need help in the traditional sense. Very wise friends counseled that we all have needs (and gifts). We are all hungry for something, perhaps the hunger to find purpose, the need to help another…and to be helped in return. So I have broadened the scope of this ministry.

Several thoughts come to mind. First, it has been said that the best gift you can give another is not from your own treasure but to help them discover theirs. This is at the heart of our ministry. Moreover, to quote a dear friend, “None of us is too rich as to not receive; none of us is too poor as to not give.” I am further reminded of the wisdom of Mother Teresa, who was just declared a saint by Pope Francis, that the greatest poverty in the world is in the richest nation, the U.S., “It is the poverty of loneliness.” There is indeed a hunger in all of us…of one kind or another.

Having said all of that, I now ask your help to begin to assess and make a list of “needs”, including those of service providers, and of your gifts/talents to be better able to match providers and recipients. I invite you to seek to discern your gifts (and needs) and to share them with us via 

Thank you for your assistance, your comments and suggestions.

As always, peace and joy.

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