Sunday, September 18, 2016


Imagine an Estate Planning Seminar…making the best investment for our future...with Jesus of Nazareth as the speaker.  What questions might you ask him? 

What would he say to us?  In today's gospel he says, The children of this world are more prudent...than are the children of light! Why does he say this?  

Today's gospel  deals with a dishonest steward who, upon being dismissed by his employer, did whatever he could to protect his future, by building a network for future help among former clients of his boss. It's worth remembering that we are all stewards of God's bounty...which includes our gifts and possessions. 

Which is very different from looking back and saying, It was a good life.  I accumulated a lot of money and possessions. 

Perhaps he is saying to us that we pay more attention and time in how we invest our efforts and resources, our very self for our careers and retirement, our financial investments than we do on our spiritual estate plan.

Through the years we have made, and continue to make, many investments. How do we go about it? We look at what we have...our needs and wants...and assess what steps to take. And then we review our investments periodically. 

Right now we are in the football season. Every week after weekend games, coaches review game films. Why? They want to get the most out of their players to improve their results and achieve their goals. That's what we want too.  We want to get the most out of our game plan to achieve the results we desire.  How often do we review our spiritual game plan?  Do we even have a spiritual game plan?

One of these days our game of life will end. At a retreat for priests this week at Our Lady of Florida in North Palm Beach, our retreat master, Fr. Charlie Smiech, a Franciscan friar, said, We take in the life to come, what we give in this life.   

When our playing days are over we all want to say, I gave it my all. I did the best I could. I spent my money and time well. I invested wisely. I invested them in my future. 

Today Jesus speaks to us about how to best invest for our future. What is the future that we have in mind? What matters most to us? 

Some years back, there was a T.V. commercial about an investment firm which said, When E. F. Hutton speaks...people listen.

What about when Jesus speaks? Do we listen?

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