Friday, May 21, 2010


The motto of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (more commonly known as Claretians) is “Men on Fire with Love”. This coming Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, when the first disciples “were all filled with the Holy Spirit…who appeared to them as tongues of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.” (Acts 2:3-4) Sunday’s Responsorial Psalm, the special Sequence at this Solemnity, and the Gospel Acclamation each, respectively, echo this momentous event, “Lord, send our your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth”, “Come, Holy Spirit, come!” and “Come, Holy spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.”

To be filled with the Spirit is to be on fire. There is a Greek word which captures this Holy infusion. It is “enthusiasm”, which means “in Theo…in God”, to be God-filled….to be enthused. This is the essence of Christ-like faith, to be filled with the Spirit…to be on fire with love. More than all the dogmas, rich traditions, pious rituals, countless prayers, etc. (important as they may be), what faith in God is about is being enthused with love.

I have played many sports in my time, and used to be a little league coach. More than teaching the basics about a particular sport, my goal was to convey a love for the game. As much as we wanted to win, it was not about winning but about how we played, giving our all, and having fun. My own experience tells me that when playing for the sheer fun of it, I not only enjoyed myself but I brought out the best in my game…and in myself. And I could see it in the joyful expression on the kids’ faces as well, as they played totally free of fear, with enthusiasm and reckless abandon.

The response of the first disciples was like that: they came out from behind their locked doors, overcoming their fears, and boldly proclaimed what they had experienced. They could not contain themselves…and many others were drawn to them. Sometimes we too want to help convert others. But it is worth remembering the wisdom of an old sage, “You can’t give what you ain’t got.” Before we go out to change the world, may WE first be on fire with the Spirit…and the simple test for us to know that we are is if we are ENTHUSED.

Holiness and enthusiasm are not acquired; they are discovered, for they already exist in us. Sometimes this goodness is manifested as we are tested and choose not necessarily the easier path, but the one that is most true to our passions and convictions, and most life-giving to us and others…generally by being compassionate and merciful, forgiving and nonviolent, attentive and of caring service.

But even more important than all of this, all we really need to do is to more and more remember just one thing. As I tell folks at the end of each Mass, “If you forget everything in life, never, never, never forget this…THE LORD IS WITH YOU!” Their smiles and the look of joy on their faces are just like those of the kids I used to coach.

1 comment:

  1. A great, powerful lead into Pentacost- I really like this blog, inspiring as well as inspired. Pentacost truly comes to life, to stay. Thank you, Happy Pentacost- Ingrid.
